Apex How to debug failures in Platform Events? Debugging failure in platform events is very important because at times the data we send will not reach the destination platform. If we don't have a robust debugging mechanism data will be lost and that should not happen at any cost.
advanced apex How to create REST API in Apex Let's look at how to create REST API in Apex. We would need this when we have a bit more customized requirements than performing basic DML on the sObject.
Apex How to fetch records from an object where field 1 = field 2 only using soql? Have you ever wondered how we can fetch records from an object where field 1 = field 2 only using soql?
Apex Advantages and Drawbacks of @future Annotation in Apex Advantages and Drawbacks of @future. There were some bottlenecks that @future was solving and soon it also started showing its age (drawbacks :p).