Apex How to debug failures in Platform Events? Debugging failure in platform events is very important because at times the data we send will not reach the destination platform. If we don't have a robust debugging mechanism data will be lost and that should not happen at any cost.
advanced apex Retrying Failed Callouts in Salesforce Apex: Best Practices with Code Snippet Learn how to retry failed callouts in Salesforce Apex with best practices and code snippet for improved reliability and error handling.
advanced apex How to create REST API in Apex Let's look at how to create REST API in Apex. We would need this when we have a bit more customized requirements than performing basic DML on the sObject.
advanced apex Using regular expressions in Apex Using regex in Apex is one of the most frequently encountered requirements when we work on string manipulation a lot.
advanced apex How to fetch SObject fields API names in Dev Console without any extension This feature of being able to fetch Sobject fields API names directly from Developer Console is going to save you tons of time.s
advanced apex Writing the test class for an Extension in Apex When we need to write test cases for an extension that might be a bit of a learning curve and this post helps you with that.
advanced apex How to subscribe to a Platform Event using Trigger Let's look at how to subscribe to Platform Events using Triggers.
advanced apex Can we send SObject as params to Queueable Apex class? Let's see if we can send SObject as params to Queueable Apex class.
advanced apex How to avoid row lock or race condition in Apex Let me walk you through how to avoid row lock or race condition in Apex
advanced apex Apex Interview Question - Sort the alphabets without using any of the native collection methods Let's look at one of the frequently asked interview questions on Apex.
advanced apex Most frequently encountered errors in Apex It's better to have a basic hang of all the most frequently encountered errors.
advanced apex Maximum stack depth reached: 1001 Let's understand what causes this error and how can we avoid it following the best practices.
advanced apex Mixed DML Operation Error Let me walk you through when do you encounter Mixed DML Operation Error and how can you fix it.
advanced apex Apex CPU time limit exceeded Let me walk you though how can we handle Apex CPU time limit exceeded.
advanced apex REST API in Batch Apex, errors and maintain state How to invoke REST API from Batch Apex, common errors and how to maintain state between batches.
advanced apex What are the Best practices to follow in Batch Apex? These are a few best practices we need to follow when we work with Batch Apex code.
epsiode Creating REST API with Apex Programming How to create REST API using Apex Programming and how to handle the Response Type.