Attach Actions to Asynchronous Apex Jobs Using Transaction Finalizers (Beta) - Spring 21
Let's understand Finalizers in Queueable Apex with the help of a scenario.
Let me throw around a scenario and let's understand how do we handle such scenario before Spring 21.
From Queueable Apex, when we try to make a callout to an external platform, because of a blip in the network, if the callout fails, how do we make sure that the callout it made again and re-enqueued?
We need to get the JobId after the callout is made, then check the status of the Job, if it failed then we need to re-enqueue it manually.
Salesforce team launched something called Finalizers which will make the whole process of re-enqueueing the failed queueable job a breeze.
Let's look at an example!
public class SampleAsyncJob implements Queueable {
public void execute(QueueableContext ctx) {
UdpateAWSFinalizer f = new UdpateAWSFinalizer();
//Business logic
public class UdpateAWSFinalizer implements Finalizer {
public void execute(FinalizerContext ctx) {
String reqId = ctx.getRequestId();
String jobId = Id.valueOf(ctx.getAsyncApexJobId());
if (ctx.getResult() == ParentJobResult.SUCCESS) {
System.debug('Parent Queueable (job id: ' + jobId + '): completed successfully!');
} else { // Queueable failed
//provide a counter & it should not exceed 5 times
//re-enqueue the job
This is what we are trying to do in the example.
is a Queueable job which has some business logic associated with it(something like making a callout or etc.)
I created another class that implements Finalizer.
Finalizer is an interface and it overrides execute()
accepts a single parameter of type FinalizerContext
is a class that provides us access to 4 methods.
- getRequestId()
- getAsyncApexJobId()
- getResult()
- getException()
In UdpateAWSFinalizer
we are trying to check if the status of the parent job is successful or failure.
if (ctx.getResult() == ParentJobResult.SUCCESS) {
} else { // Queueable failed
//provide a counter
If the status of the parent job is a failure then we have to re-enqueue the business logic again.
There is a limit here as well, we cannot re-enqueue the job beyond 5 times.