Did you know that now you can refer your colleague and earn your affiliate fee?
Yes, you heard me right. Now you can refer your friend or colleague and you can earn back 20% of the course price as your affiliate fee.
It's pretty simple.
Sign up for a FREE account on Salesforce Casts and then click on the affiliate link as shown below.

You will find links (with your affiliate code) to all the courses. You can share any course individually or you can share the whole store front.
In case you want to promote the Life Time Plan then you need to add your refferal code (example `s4nbe`) to the Life Time Plan URL
You are also expected to link your PayPal account to the affiliate portal and your affiliate amount will be paid automatically to your PayPal account once a month. In case you face any challenges setting your PayPal account you can email me and I will set you up with an alternative.
Feel free to reach out to me in case you need anything. Happy to help!